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April 18, 2016

On April 8, 2016 a student reported that a swastika was drawn in blue ink on a sign-up sheet that was on their residence house door on the evening of April 6.  According to the report, the sign up sheet did not have a purpose.  A swastika is recognized as a symbol of anti-Semitism, white supremacy, racism, and homophobia because of its use by Nazi Germany and by subsequent supremacist groups. Actions Taken:  A representative from BIRT met with the student to review the report and offer support.  As additional information was gathered, Residential Life and the residence House Advisor also consulted with the student and others in the room vicinity.  A "Not in My House" email was sent on April 14 to residents of the house.  The original sign-up sheet was handed over to Safety and Security and the incident is still under investigation.  On April 18 BIRT sent out an all-campus email to alert the campus.