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August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018
On August 31 numerous members of the campus community received an attachment entitled, "Vassar College Disorientation Guide."  The statement, "Slap a zionist <3 (s/o to students at Loyola in Chicago + of course Ahed Tamimi for taking the lead here," appears on page 45 of the document. In reviewing the statement, BIRT finds it to be biased and targeting of Jewish community members as well as suggestive of violence. In light of the reported document, an all-campus Safety Alert was sent out on the evening of August 31.  First-year students also received an email from the Interim Dean of the College alerting them to a gathering at the Bayit on Saturday evening, September 1. On September 3, President Bradley sent an all-campus email as well. If anyone has additional information relating to this entry, please contact Safety and Security at 845-437-7333 or BIRT.
Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.