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February 20, 2019

During the late morning of Wednesday, Feb.  20,  a poster containing an anti-Semitic trope were identified in a couple of the residential houses (Main and Noyes).  The flyer contained a drawing of an elected official and the words “Stand with Ilhan Omar. Reject AIPAC's Hold on US Congress.”
The posters were removed by members of Residential Education. The Bias Incident Response Team was also alerted and met. The fliers were removed since they were not approved and were on unapproved surfaces (bathroom stalls).
Key questions:
1. Is it free speech/protected expression? Yes.
2. Is it a violation of college policy or state law? Not a violation of state law. The act of hanging unapproved fliers could be adjudicated through student conduct. It is not likely that other violations of college regulations would be considered.
3. Is it a bias incident/behavior? Yes. While the statement refers to a particular political organization (AIPAC), we are still concerned about the anti-Semitic trope ("hold on US Congress") used. Please note that this designation as a bias incident/behavior is distinct from whether or not it is a violation.
- Support provided to reporting community member.
- Removed flyers.
- Responsible party not identified.
Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.