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February 20, 2020

Incident: Two stickers (a. "it's ok to be white" and b. a round smiley face sticker of Hitler were found in proximity to one another outside of Blodgett and Baldwin. Reported to security at around the same time and removed. Three essential questions: 1. Is this protected speech/expression? 2. Is there a potential violation of college policy or state law? 3. Is this a bias incident? Summary of Conversation:
1. Would this be considered a protected speech/expression? The act/expression of vandalism is not covered under free speech. The language "it's ok to be white" and depictions of Hitler are protected speech/expression.
2. We addressed the question as to whether or not the behavior violated state law and/or considered a hate crime? No. Is it a potential violation of college policy? Yes. Violations of colleges vandalism and publicity policies.
For Student Conduct to consider
SECTION 26.01: Damaging college or personal property in a reckless or intentional manner.
Section 18.03 Failing to include contact information of the individual or student organization responsible for the posting to all fliers and posters.
3. Is this a bias incident?
The Hitler image is something we can be confident a number of people would experience as a symbol of hate.
The "It's okay to be white" can be offensive and it is meant to be divisive.
Neither of the sticker's placement appeared to be targeting any particular campus group.  The use of both stickers by white supremacists/nationalist organizations makes them both problematic.
Follow up:
1. Notice sent to student body about an investigation.
2. Campus Safety is working with local authorities
2. Convening BIRT
3. Convene- the Bias Education and Support Team (BEST) to discuss other passive/active programmatic ideas.