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February 20, 2019

During the late morning of Wednesday, Feb.  20,  a poster containing an anti-Semitic trope were identified in a couple of the residential houses (Main and Noyes).  The flyer contained a drawing of an elected official and the words “Stand with Ilhan Omar. Reject AIPAC's Hold on US Congress.”
The posters were removed by members of Residential Education. The Bias Incident Response Team was also alerted and met. The fliers were removed since they were not approved and were on unapproved surfaces (bathroom stalls).
Key questions:
1. Is it free speech/protected expression? Yes.
2. Is it a violation of college policy or state law? Not a violation of state law. The act of hanging unapproved fliers could be adjudicated through student conduct. It is not likely that other violations of college regulations would be considered.
3. Is it a bias incident/behavior? Yes. While the statement refers to a particular political organization (AIPAC), we are still concerned about the anti-Semitic trope ("hold on US Congress") used. Please note that this designation as a bias incident/behavior is distinct from whether or not it is a violation.
- Support provided to reporting community member.
- Removed flyers.
- Responsible party not identified.
Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.  

October 7, 2018

During the late afternoon of Sunday, October 7,  several posters containing biased and anti-Semitic messages were identified in numerous campus buildings.  The wording, along with drawings of elected officials and the recent Supreme Court appointee, was as follows:
A Star of David symbol and the phrase, "Good Goy" also appeared on the foreheads of those pictured. The Daily Stormer, the organization responsible for the poster, is a known neo-Nazi and White supremacist group that espouses racist and anti-Semitic beliefs.
The posters were removed by Safety and Security and others. The Bias Incident Response Team was also alerted.  At 7:20 PM, President Bradley sent an all-campus email condemning the posters and biased content.
An investigation is on-going and if anyone has additional information about these posters, they should contact Safety and Security at845-437-7333 or BIRT.
Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.

August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018
On August 31 numerous members of the campus community received an attachment entitled, "Vassar College Disorientation Guide."  The statement, "Slap a zionist <3 (s/o to students at Loyola in Chicago + of course Ahed Tamimi for taking the lead here," appears on page 45 of the document. In reviewing the statement, BIRT finds it to be biased and targeting of Jewish community members as well as suggestive of violence. In light of the reported document, an all-campus Safety Alert was sent out on the evening of August 31.  First-year students also received an email from the Interim Dean of the College alerting them to a gathering at the Bayit on Saturday evening, September 1. On September 3, President Bradley sent an all-campus email as well. If anyone has additional information relating to this entry, please contact Safety and Security at 845-437-7333 or BIRT.
Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.

May 20, 2018

The BIRT core team met on May 21 to discuss a posting on a social media site with a "Vassar" name attached, which was reported by a student. The team reviewed the subtleties and the possible interpretations of the meaning of various words used in the posting. Because of the perspectival nature of these interpretations, the team determined that the posting could not be categorized as a bias incident.

March 3, 2018

On the evening of Saturday, March 3, two students reported to Safety & Security that a piece of frayed rope was observed in a tree on the pathway near the ALANA Center, the Old Laundry Building and the Powerhouse Theater.  The rope was removed by Safety & Security and a report was forwarded to several administrators.  Additionally, the Bias Incident Response Team was contacted and the Dean of the College toured the area thoroughly and documented all secured and unsecured ropes in the vicinity. The Director of the ALANA Center and the Associate Dean of the College/Coordinator of BIRT contacted students to obtain more information, photos were taken, and the report was reviewed.  While there is no indication that the rope was due to foul play or signifies an act of bias and was possibly due to the previous day's windstorm, it is important for the campus to know about this report. If anyone has anything additional to report, please contact Safety and Security at 845-437-7333.
Update of Saturday, March 3 report:  Similar rope was found in the Powerhouse Theater.
On Tuesday, March 6, a student reported to an administrator that they noticed twine rope in trees near the Aula.  Safety and Security were notified and Town Police investigated. It was determined that the twine had been there prior to the Saturday report.  Safety and Security later rreported that the twine was affiliated with an Earth Science/Geography majors project involving pine cones, peanut butter and bird study.
Students in both reportings were contacted by administrators with resource support and by Safety and Security with updated information relating to the investigation.   Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as additional information emerges.  

December 16-17, 2017

In the early morning of December 16th, Safety and Security discovered male genitalia drawn in the snow atop cars belonging to an administrator and their partner. The cars were parked in the Terrace Apartments lot near the Athletic Center. No other cars in the lot were affected. On the evening of December 17th, Safety and Security reported similar male genitalia and "69" drawn in  snow on the windshield and hood of a car parked in the Terrace Houses lot. Photos were taken of both offensive incidents (see below). Anyone with additional information should contact Safety and Security at 845-437-5221.   Note: BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as new information emerges.

December 1, 2017

BIRT received a report in the early morning of December 1st that gender-neutral bathroom signs were removed from several walls in Noyes.  Additional reports and photos reveal that Cushing, Davison and Strong, and Joss were also targeted. Safety and Security is investigating the incidents.  Anyone with additional information should contact Safety and Security at 845-437-7333. Also, please contact your House Advisor if you have questions or concerns about these reports. A BIRT campus-wide email alert was sent on December 2. House teams from Cushing, Davison, Strong and Joss also sent an email  to house residents. The reports were also referred to the Dean of Students for review of possible student conduct violations. BIRT log entries may be updated and amended as new information emerges.  

September 25, 2017

A student reported that comments and markings were made on posters in the Women's Center.  The content included references such as "in God we Trump," crossing out "Black" and substituting "White" on a  #BlackLives Matter poster, "Heteronormativity Plz," "I 'heart drawn' Jesus," and "I 'heart drawn' Trump," and the name "Donald Trump" written on a sign-up sheet. Some of these markings represent bias. Defacing posters in the Women's Center speaks to more than expression and is a disrespect of property. The Director for LGBTQ and Gender Resources, along with Interns, sent a message to their Listservs.  President Bradley also made a statement in her weekly email to students. Safety and Security is also monitoring the vicinity to determine who might be responsible for the incident.  As of October 11, 2017 no one had been found responsible. Log entries may be updated and amended as new information emerges.  

August 18, 2017

At 1:21 am two students reported that homophobic markings were found on a Gender Neutral bathroom sign on the 4th floor South wing of Main Building. See photo. The two students were contacted and offered support.  Safety and Security responded to take the report and document the incident.  The Dean of Students sents a message to house residents during the afternoon of August 18. Two teen-age male, non-students were positively identified as being in the vicinity and have been questioned. The individuals have been placed on the Trespass Notice list by Safety and Security. Log entries may be updated and amended as new information emerges.    

May 25, 2017

At 11:19am on May 25 a student worker reported via email that the words "I hate nigger" were written in light Magic Marker on the stall of the Men's Room behind the College Center Kiosk.  The marking, approximately 2 inches in size, was documented and removed immediately. The student was contacted and invited in to talk about the incident.  Campus Safety was also notified to monitor similar spaces for repeated markings. To assist with any investigation, the image will not be posted until a later time.  

April 21, 2017

On April 21 it was reported a poster advertising a Trans Allyship Workshop had been vandalized by scratching out the name of a student associated with the event.  The poster was in the LGBTQ Center. Safety and Security responded and removed the poster and filed for documentation. BIRT contacted both the student who reported the incident and the student whose name was scratched over on the poster.  Resources and support were offered, including a BIRT meeting where resources were recommended.  
Defaced area covered to protect identity.

March 2, 2017

On March 2 in the early afternoon, a student reported finding text written in Magic Marker in a Library restroom.  It read, "To all black students we should unite & slaughter All THE WHITES." Resources were offered to the person reporting this incident.  Safety and Security responded to document and report to the Town Police. An email from the President's Office  was sent to the campus at 9:49pm on March 2, referencing recent bias incidents and included a link to this BIRT log. Note: No photos are posted here to enhance the investigation of this and past incidents.

March 1, 2017

BIRT received a report from a student that on the morning of Tuesday, February 21, a note was slipped under their residence door.  It read, "Leave my country or I'll kill you." Two days earlier, the student noted they also received a call from a private number with a voice stating, "I've been watching you." The report was filed late in the day on March 1st via an online report. Safety and Security was notified and contacted the student to provide safety resources and also arranged a meeting to file an official Safety report.  Town Police were also contacted to document the report. The student also spoke with an administrator on the night of the report and with the BIRT coordinator on the morning of March 2.  Support and safety resources were offered. An email from the President's Office  was sent to the campus at 9:49pm on March 2, referencing recent bias incidents and included a link to this BIRT log.

February 28, 2017

At 1:13am on February 28 it was reported that the following was written on a petition located at the College Center Kiosk: "Gay Love/Gay Hate  Fuck Fags." Part of the petition read "Please sign this petition to encourage the future Kiosk/Cafe/UpC/Whatever to remain run by Students.  Thank you." BIRT core team members reviewed the report and also met with the person reporting the incident.  Safety and Security will also review the petition list for further information. A BIRT Campus Alert email was sent at 6:21pm.

February 24, 2017 (B)

A student reported an interaction with an administrator in a residence as biased and discriminatory, targeting them based on their race. The report was shared with the Associate Dean of College for Campus Life and Diversity, also the administrator for BIRT. The report was referred to the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office for investigation.

February 24, 2017

In the early morning of Friday, February 24 Safety and Security were notified by the Library that a racist, anti-Black, anti-Semitic, hateful and offensive message in other ways was written on a wall down a staircase off the front entry of the Library.  The message read:  "Negro is the disease of our society   White Pride," followed by three swastikas. The Town of Poughkeepsie Police were called in to lead the investigation.  More details will be added to this report as they become available. The President's Office emailed the campus at 7:30am and included a link to this entry.   Originally posted at 7:20am, 2-24-17 Updated 2:21pm, 2-24-17    

February 20, 2017

On February 20 at 10:49pm a report was filed with Safety and Security that "Kill all the Blacks" was written in black magic marker on the wall of the Men's Room in the Library lobby.  Safety and Security responded to investigate and remove the marking.  Town of Poughkeepsie Police were also notified to assist with the investigation. Anyone with additional information about this incident should contact Campus Safety at 845-437-5221.  BIRT will also follow up with appropriate resources, where needed. Process:  The report was reviewed on the morning of February 2o by the BIRT core team, led by the Associate Dean of the College for Campus Life and Diversity and followed by meetings  with the Dean of the College, the Director of Safety and Security and the College Information Officer. The President was also notified and updated periodically of discussions and assessments. It was decided that a campus email would address the campus safety elements and include a link to this bias incident summary prepared by BIRT, given the threat of violence.  This campus email was sent at approximately 5:30pm on February 21. On February 22, at 6:41pm an additional Campus email was sent from the President's Office to denounce the threatening and hateful speech.  

December 4, 2016

On December 4 Safety and Security reported finding posters targeting the Jewish community similar to those noted in the October 16, September 26 and 15 incident reports. The posters were removed and filed. Town Police continue to work with Vassar Safety and Security to monitor Collegeview Avenue and nearby locations.     2016-13150-2

January 22, 2017

On January 22 Safety and Security received a report from a faculty resident of Main House that "Ya Niggas Is Pussy" and "I have ur marker" was written on their white board, accompanied by a drawing of a penis. Safety and Security responded and photos were taken.  Resident was contacted by several administrators and the Associate Director for Safety and Security responded to investigate.    The resident expressed that they were not personally targeted but was extremely concerned by the incident.

November 29, 2016

On Tuesday, November 29 BIRT received an anonymous report that a swastika was carved on the wall panel in a Bridge/Olmstead building elevator. Safety and Security was notified to document and remove the graffiti.  An investigation of the incident was initiated.     nov29-16

November 23, 2016

On November 22, a student reported finding hate speech at approximately 3pm on the stall of a men's restroom in Sanders Classroom (ground floor).  The graffiti, just above an inch in diameter, contained the words "Heil Trump" along with a swastika. The report was forwarded to Safety and Security for documentation and removal. If you have information or knowledge about this or other incidents, please contact BIRT or Safety & Security at 845-437-7333     img_1716

October 16, 2016

Fliers similar to those reported in the September 26 report (not on Vassar property) were found on a utility pole on Vassar property along Collegeview Avenue.  One poster contained the following text:  "that face a leftist college student makes.... when they finally realize that Jews have founded, funded and fronted every feminist, homosexual, open borders, mass immigration, multicultural advocacy group in America to further their own ethnic solidarity while dissolving the ethnic identification of White Christian Americans." Action(s) Taken:  BIRT received the report from Safety and Security, who also reported to Town Police.   2016-10981-2

September 26, 2016

The Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) received a report from Safety and Security that someone sent notice of fliers posted on a Collegeview Avenue utility pole containing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic text. Action(s) taken:  BIRT met to review the report and Safety and Security alerted the Town Police.  Two similar posters have since been reported and BIRT has monitored to consider potential impacts of nearby off-campus postings.   image1-1

September 15, 2016

On September 10, a student reported a flier containing the wording, "Israel Did 9-11" with a swastika enclosed within a Star of David on the commercial and residential side of Collegeview Avenue. The flier was attached to a utility pole. Action(s) Taken: A core team of BIRT met on September 12 to review the report and reach out to students who may have been impacted. Although the posting was not on campus, it was deemed close enough to warrant attention.  Campus Safety was notified and they also informed Town Police. Note: A similar flier was reported on September 14.  

September 2, 2016

Students in Davison House reported that drawings of male genitalia and offensive phrases were found outside their rooms. Actions Taken: Vandalism was reported to Residential Life staff and via a online report to BIRT.  Safety and Security initiated an investigation into students who might be responsible. A house team message was also sent to residents, alerting them to the incident.

August 20, 2016

A student reported that sexually suggestive graffiti was written on their whiteboard in Main Building. Actions Taken:  BIRT was notified in an online report and contacted the student.  A BIRT team member provided support and also worked with a Residential Life staff member in sending a message to residents in that building area.  No one has accepted responsibility for the graffiti.

July 22, 2016

On the morning of July 22 a local resident(jogger) reported that offensive chalking marks were present on the sidewalk near Josselyn House, including wording and drawings of "NIGGER", a penis and vagina. Actions Taken: Safety and Security responded with an investigation, including speaking with summer programs administrators with knowledge of camp participants or others  near the residence.  Buildings and Grounds washed away the chalking.

May 23, 2016

On May 21 two people reported seeing the letters "KKK" spray painted in black on a tree near the Field Station (Vassar Farm). Campus Safety and Security confirmed and is continuing to investigate the incident. Email alert sent to campus. Actions Taken:  BIRT received the report, reached out to those reporting, and contacted Safety and Security.  The Town of Poughkeepsie Police have also been notified. Anyone with information about this hate crime should contact Campus Safety at 845-437-5221. Outcome:

April 25, 2016

A student reported that they believed two other students who entered a college building with them had been racially profiled by a building staff member. Action Taken: In accordance with Vassar's policy on Racial Profiling, BIRT forwarded the report to the Equal Opportunity Office for investigation.

April 26, 2016

A student reported that they believed that posters related to the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions(BDS) were biased, hurtful and not factual. The posters were located in a bathroom of an academic building. Actions Taken:  BIRT reviewed the report and communicated with the student.  While the posters may have caused discomfort, the content was within the realm of free speech and expression. BIRT also acknowledged that posters not properly posted (i.e., bathroom stalls) should be removed in accordance with college policy.

April 18, 2016

On April 8, 2016 a student reported that a swastika was drawn in blue ink on a sign-up sheet that was on their residence house door on the evening of April 6.  According to the report, the sign up sheet did not have a purpose.  A swastika is recognized as a symbol of anti-Semitism, white supremacy, racism, and homophobia because of its use by Nazi Germany and by subsequent supremacist groups. Actions Taken:  A representative from BIRT met with the student to review the report and offer support.  As additional information was gathered, Residential Life and the residence House Advisor also consulted with the student and others in the room vicinity.  A "Not in My House" email was sent on April 14 to residents of the house.  The original sign-up sheet was handed over to Safety and Security and the incident is still under investigation.  On April 18 BIRT sent out an all-campus email to alert the campus.  

April 11, 2016

An residential life administrator shared that a student from the Terrace Houses(TH) reported overhearing several students using a racially derogatory term ("Fuck yeah, N***a") while others were involved in a fight between "between drunk friends." Actions Taken: Residential Life followed up with students involved and asked Safety and Security to investigate for possible student conduct violations

April 4, 2016

SUMMARY REPORT From February 16 through March 29,  at least eleven(11) incident reports were received regarding postings on YikYak, Facebook and other communications.  The majority were anonymous postings of opinions and expressions that were thought to be bias related.  Several postings involved comments about Islam, Muslims, Jews and Zionists.  While it cannot be determined whether posts on YikYak are from within Vassar, the postings nonetheless impact Vassar community members. One report involved an exchange between two acquaintances and was referred to Student Conduct in the Dean of Students Office.  Another involved residents in a House where sexist language was used; the house team sent out a message to residents. Representatives from BIRT met with or contacted those reporting these incidents. If other parties were known, we also contacted them.  In cases where we consider reported incidents to have had a broad impact on the campus, we send campus alert notices.  Otherwise, summaries or specific reports are logged onto this page for reference.

March 16, 2016

A student reported that a mezuzah on their Ferry residence door had been removed and thrown down the hall.  Student believed they was targeted because of their involvement in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions(BDS) discussions and because of their religion.  The incident was reported to Safety and Security. Action(s) Taken:  BIRT followed up with the student with support.  Safety and Security continued the investigation. Outcome: Safety and Security did not have any leads on who may have been responsible for removing the mezuzah.  

February 16, 2016

Numerous Asian students received derogatory emails targeting their ethnicity and culture. The emails were in response to an "Open Letter" written about the re-naming of the Old Bookstore. The reports are under investigation and more details will be posted when available.  Email alert sent to campus. Actions Taken:  Reported to BIRT and Safety and Security. Outcome: Investigation by Safety and Town Police unable to identify individuals responsible for the emails.

February 15, 2016

Several online submissions and emails reported that anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and Islamophobic comments were made on YikYak on February 12 and 13, including "We say F--K Muslims." Actions Taken: BIRT core members met on the morning of February 15 to review the reports.  Campus email alerting community considered. Outcome:

February 4, 2016

On Thursday, February 4, the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) received reports of anti-Semitic comments and slurs, including "F--K Jews" that were posted on Yik Yak, a social media platform read by many members of the Vassar community. Actions Taken: BIRT met on February 5 and reviewed postings and alerted campus via email. Outcome:

January 26, 2016

Residential Life reported that while preparing a Noyes House room for a new occupant, an offensive anti-Semitic carving was found on the room's door. Actions Taken:  Incident reported to BIRT, carving sanded away, and incident investigated by Safety and Security.  Noyes House Team met to develop a Not in My House message to residents. Outcome:

November 12

A student reported that, while in a Rockefeller classroom, at 4:50pm they noticed a WiFi network on their laptop with the tag, “Nuck Figgers.” The network would have been visible for any students or employees on computers in that general area. Actions Taken: BIRT followed up with the student and met with them.  A screenshot of the phrase was forwarded to the Computer Information Systems (CIS) office for review.  Safety and Security was also notified. Outcome: CIS confirmed the network name, investigated the source, and disabled it.  BIRT delayed reporting on this incident to facilitate the investigation and resolution and was in communication with the student who made the report.

September 23

A student reported that sexually derogatory graffiti targeting women was written outside their residential suite in Main Building. The messages were written in Sharpie marker. Actions Taken: Incident was reported to Safety and Security for investigation as well as the Title IX Officer. Outcome:  To date, an investigation has not identified a responsible person(s).

September 12

A student in Strong House reported that early in the morning a poster on their door advertising Halal (religious) dining was found on the floor and ripped in half.  They believed the action was targeting their religious belief. Actions Taken: House Team in residence house was notified by House Advisor, along with Director of Religious and Spiritual Life Office(RSL). Outcome: After discussion meeting with the student, house team members and RSL, House  team members sent out a Not in My House message.