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December 4, 2016

On December 4 Safety and Security reported finding posters targeting the Jewish community similar to those noted in the October 16, September 26 and 15 incident reports. The posters were removed and filed. Town Police continue to work with Vassar Safety and Security to monitor Collegeview Avenue and nearby locations.     2016-13150-2

November 29, 2016

On Tuesday, November 29 BIRT received an anonymous report that a swastika was carved on the wall panel in a Bridge/Olmstead building elevator. Safety and Security was notified to document and remove the graffiti.  An investigation of the incident was initiated.     nov29-16

November 23, 2016

On November 22, a student reported finding hate speech at approximately 3pm on the stall of a men's restroom in Sanders Classroom (ground floor).  The graffiti, just above an inch in diameter, contained the words "Heil Trump" along with a swastika. The report was forwarded to Safety and Security for documentation and removal. If you have information or knowledge about this or other incidents, please contact BIRT or Safety & Security at 845-437-7333     img_1716

October 16, 2016

Fliers similar to those reported in the September 26 report (not on Vassar property) were found on a utility pole on Vassar property along Collegeview Avenue.  One poster contained the following text:  "that face a leftist college student makes.... when they finally realize that Jews have founded, funded and fronted every feminist, homosexual, open borders, mass immigration, multicultural advocacy group in America to further their own ethnic solidarity while dissolving the ethnic identification of White Christian Americans." Action(s) Taken:  BIRT received the report from Safety and Security, who also reported to Town Police.   2016-10981-2

September 26, 2016

The Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) received a report from Safety and Security that someone sent notice of fliers posted on a Collegeview Avenue utility pole containing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic text. Action(s) taken:  BIRT met to review the report and Safety and Security alerted the Town Police.  Two similar posters have since been reported and BIRT has monitored to consider potential impacts of nearby off-campus postings.   image1-1

September 15, 2016

On September 10, a student reported a flier containing the wording, "Israel Did 9-11" with a swastika enclosed within a Star of David on the commercial and residential side of Collegeview Avenue. The flier was attached to a utility pole. Action(s) Taken: A core team of BIRT met on September 12 to review the report and reach out to students who may have been impacted. Although the posting was not on campus, it was deemed close enough to warrant attention.  Campus Safety was notified and they also informed Town Police. Note: A similar flier was reported on September 14.  

September 2, 2016

Students in Davison House reported that drawings of male genitalia and offensive phrases were found outside their rooms. Actions Taken: Vandalism was reported to Residential Life staff and via a online report to BIRT.  Safety and Security initiated an investigation into students who might be responsible. A house team message was also sent to residents, alerting them to the incident.

August 20, 2016

A student reported that sexually suggestive graffiti was written on their whiteboard in Main Building. Actions Taken:  BIRT was notified in an online report and contacted the student.  A BIRT team member provided support and also worked with a Residential Life staff member in sending a message to residents in that building area.  No one has accepted responsibility for the graffiti.