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Now in its 27th year, the Community Fellows program is a unique partnership program between Vassar College and local non-profit and governmental agencies. Thanks to generous donors, the OCEL funds Vassar students to work full-time over the summer with a core partner organization on a specific community-identified project.

The Community Fellows Program upholds the college’s mission by engaging students and community partners in the following ways:

  • Supporting capacity building with community partners by responding to community-identified projects
  • Providing students with an opportunity to experience meaningful work in non-profit and governmental sectors
  • Investing in the future of our community through public scholarship and engagement
  • Enhancing the relevance of a liberal arts education to a purposeful life

Students apply to organizations and projects that align with their social justice passions to enhance their academic learning goals. Our partner organizations serve as co-educators and co-mentors of our Vassar students. The OCEL funds the Vassar students in an effort to best support community-based organizations in the Poughkeepsie area. This is a highly competitive program for students and presents an exciting educational opportunity for them to gain more in-depth experience with a community partner and learn from them.

Community Partner Positions

Components of the Community Fellows Experience

  • Attend Community Fellows Kick-Off Meeting (late May)
  • Students work full time (35) with a community partner organization from late May-early August
  • Attend weekly cohort meetings (on Wednesdays from 5-7) with OCEL Team
  • Work in person, unless otherwise agreed upon with the organization
  • Live in the Poughkeepsie area (either on campus, or finding housing on their own)
  • Attend individual check-in meetings with OCEL Staff throughout the summer
  • Write 2 critical reflection one-page papers throughout the summer
  • Create a presentation for the Community Fellows Symposium and present work to campus and community partners


Is the Community Fellows Program Funded? Yes, the Community Fellows receive a $6,000 stipend for the 10 week program.

Can I work with an organization outside of the OCEL's Community Fellows partners? No, the OCEL aims to build long-term, sustainable partnerships with local community partner organizations. These organizations have already agreed to participate in the program for Summer 2025.

Do I have to live in the Poughkeepsie area for the summer? Yes, our Community Fellows program requires that students live either on campus or find housing locally.

Previous Community Fellows and Community Partners