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Counseling Service

Vassar College

Day/Time: Wednesdays 3:15–4:30 p.m.

Facilitator: Natalia Martínez Muñoz Potter

Are you considering re-learning how to communicate your needs to others? Do you often feel emotionally exhausted? Do you find it difficult to cope with distressing emotional situations? Does it feel like your mind and soul are not always attuned to your environment?

Or maybe a friend or a therapist has suggested you consider DBT.

Let's talk about the Emotional Toolbox Group.

During this group, we will review the foundational skills of DBT, including mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. Our goal as facilitators is to present tangible ways to improve your relationship with yourself, your emotions, and the people around you.

Joining this group will be similar to taking a class, except without the pressure of tests and grades. Instead, you will be learning a few skills each week and have homework to help you try out the tools in your life.

Perhaps you are thinking..."I am not a group person!"

You don't need to be a group person to benefit from a DBT group, and you are likely to benefit from learning new ways of managing your emotions and relationships and hearing from others.

Perhaps the idea of doing homework is off-putting.

This group is different from other therapy groups you may have experienced. The group is not free-form; it's structured.

You will get clear instructions on using new skills in your life. The more willing you are to experiment with new behaviors, the more you'll benefit.

Have questions? Contact VCCS at (845) 437-5700 or email Natalia at to schedule a pre-group meeting so that we can talk about your questions, hesitations, objectives, and goals.