How to Find Us
The address for the Environmental Cooperative and Vassar Barns is 50 Vassar Farm Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603.
We are located just off of Vassar College's campus—if you are heading towards Hooker Avenue/New Hackensack Road from Raymond Avenue, you will come to a stoplight. Position yourself in the left-hand turn lane. The entrance to the Vassar Farm and Ecological Preserve will be in front of you. After making a slight slight left onto New Hackensack, you will immediately turn right onto Vassar Farm Lane, as if you are going straight through the light. We are building number 50 (in a newly renovated barn), directly across from the Poughkeepsie Farm Project.
If traveling from Hooker Avenue heading East, turn right at the intersection of Raymond Avenue. Continue down Vassar Farm Lane to arrive at the Environmental Cooperative in the barns on the right-hand side of the road. We are in the left-wing of the barn, as you are facing the silos.