Vassar College Campus Climate Survey Regarding Sexual Assault and Misconduct, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Vassar’s Title IX Processes, 2015
In April of 2015 Vassar administered a Title IX Campus Climate Survey and encouraged all Vassar students to participate to provide their experiences and perspectives on sexual assault and misconduct on the campus.
Below are links to a variety of important resources related to this survey, including: an Executive Summary Report of the survey findings; a complete set of tables providing detailed data of responses to each section of the survey; a copy of the survey instrument; and an overview of initiatives to educate the community about sexual misconduct and to prevent sexual violence from happening on the campus.
- Message from President Hill
- Message from Survey Oversight Group
- Vassar College Campus Climate Survey – Executive Summary Report
- Vassar College Campus Climate Survey - Final Report: complete data tables, responses to each survey section
- Vassar College Campus Climate Survey Instrument
- Vassar Initiatives for Education and Prevention of Sexual Violence