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Institutional Research

Vassar College

Percentages of first-time, first-year (freshman) degree-seeking students and degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2015 who fit the following categories:

F1 First-time, first-year (freshman) students Undergraduates
F1Percent who are from out of state (exclude international/nonresident aliens from the numerator and denominator)71%74%
F1Percent of men who join fraternities0%0%
F1Percent of women who join sororities0%0%
F1Percent who live in college-owned, -operated, or -affiliated housing99%96%
F1Percent who live off campus or commute1%4.0%
F1Percent of students age 25 and older1%1%
F1Average age of full-time students1820
F1Average age of all students (full- and part-time)1820

Activities offered

Identify those programs available at your institution.

F2Campus Ministriesx
F2Choral groupsx
F2Concert bandx
F2International Student Organizationx
F2Jazz bandx
F2Literary magazinex
F2Marching band 
F2Model UNx
F2Music ensemblesx
F2Musical theaterx
F2Pep band 
F2Radio stationx
F2Student governmentx
F2Student newspaperx
F2Student-run film societyx
F2Symphony orchestrax
F2Television stationx


(program offered in cooperation with Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

F3 On CampusAt Cooperating Institution Name of Cooperating Institution
F3Army ROTC is offered:   
F3Naval ROTC is offered:   
F3Air Force ROTC is offered:   


Check all types of college-owned, -operated, or -affiliated housing available for undergraduates at your institution.

F4Coed dormsx
F4Men's dorms 
F4Women's dormsx
F4Apartments for married studentsx
F4Apartments for single studentsx
F4Special housing for disabled studentsx
F4Special housing for international studentsx
F4Fraternity/sorority housing 
F4Cooperative housingx
F4Theme housing 
F4Wellness housingx
F4Other housing options (specify): 
Quiet housing