Update on Title IX Regulations and Revisions to Vassar Nondiscrimination Policies
Dear Members of the Campus Community,
As you may know, the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action/Title IX Office (EOAA/TIX) has been working hard over the summer to put into effect revised campus policies in compliance with new federal Title IX regulations, which take effect today, August 1, 2024. We have implemented a unified Interim Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct and Resolution Procedures in time to meet the implementation deadline.
See the summary of changes to Vassar’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct and Resolution Procedures. We are implementing training for all employees and students to ensure they are familiar with the changes. Those programs will begin in August and then be repeated annually. Additionally, the EOAA/Title IX student interns are working hard to develop easy-to-understand flowcharts, resource guides, and FAQs to help our campus community understand the important policy changes, their rights, and options for confidential support and resolution through the College
Vassar’s interim policy resulted from the work of a broad campus-wide working group that began meeting last year to determine how to integrate the Final Rule into current College policies and practices. The policy working group included representatives from the Committee on College Life, FPCC, SAVP, VSA, General Counsel, and the Title IX Student Advisory Committee. Title IX governs the College’s response to sex-based discrimination and sexual violence. The working group advocated for a unified model to ensure that the College’s reporting, response, and resolution procedures would be consistent, transparent, and easier to understand. The goal was to adopt a process that consistently and equitably resolves all forms of protected class discrimination and harassment–regardless of whether the individuals involved are faculty, administrators, students, or staff.
The timing of the release of the new regulations and the August deadline mean that the Interim Policy has yet to be reviewed through the College’s shared governance process. Thus, at the start of the fall semester, EOAA/TIX will hold listening sessions for the campus community. We will also solicit input from the Committee on College Life and Faculty Policy and Conference Committee (FPCC) before presenting to the Faculty later this fall, in accordance with the Governance.
Note on Title IX Injunctions: The 2024 Title IX regulations have faced multiple legal challenges, as recently as July 31. If these legal proceedings require changes to Vassar’s policies related to Title IX, we will inform the campus community promptly.
Vassar remains deeply committed to creating and maintaining a safe, supportive, inclusive, and responsive environment for all community members. We welcome your voices and input as we develop Vassar’s prevention and response to issues of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct, and support the needs of the campus community. If you have questions about the Interim Policy, contact Belinda Guthrie at guthrie@vassar.edu or Jeff Schneider at jeschneider@vassar.edu. If you wish to talk to someone about your options to report discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, or seek support, visit confidential support and other campus resources for students and employees (including faculty).
Belinda Guthrie, AVP for Institutional Equity & Title IX Coordinator
Jeffrey Schneider, Faculty Director of Affirmative Action & Professor of German Studies