Sexual Violence Resources
Advocacy & Support
Center for Victim Safety & Support (CVSS)
Rape Crisis/Crime Victim’s Hotline: (845) (845) 452-7272 (24/7)
Domestic Violence Hotline: (845) 485-5550 (24/7)
Chat Line: Send text to (845) 583-0800
For more information, visit the CVSS website.
Report an Incident
Town of Poughkeepsie Police: 911 or (845) 485-3666
New York State Police (Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit): (844) 845-7269
Free Confidential SAFE Exams
Vassar Brothers Medical Center: (845) 454-8500
Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital: (845) 483-5000
Free Confidential Counseling
Poughkeepsie Grace Smith House: (845) 452-7155
Center for Victim Safety & Support (CVSS): (845) 452-1110 ext 3400
Legal Referral Service
Dutchess Bar Association