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LGBTQ Center

Vassar College

LGBTQ+ Center Resources and Facilities

  • Library of Queer Literature.
  • Subscriptions to various LGBTQ+ centered magazines.
  • Pronoun pins and Pride flags.
  • Media center with TV, VCR/DVD player, and sound system.
  • Community room with fridge and microwave.
  • Self-care and self-empowerment stations including but not limited to: assorted teas, snacks, make-up, nail-care, puzzles, boardgames and coloring books.
  • Shared office space for student organizations.
  • Administrative office for the LGBTQ+ Center Director (next door in College Center 214).


Affiliated Organizations

Ace Space
Vassar’s only asexuality affinity space and activism group on campus, open to all on the asexual and aromantic spectrums and those questioning their identity.

CHOICE stands for Campus Health Organization for Information, Contraception, and Education. Our mission is to educate the campus about sexual health issues by distributing information about pregnancy, STIs, and contraception and to help to promote safer sex by providing free condoms, latex gloves, dental dams, and lubricant. CHOICE is a confidential and nonjudgmental organization. Student educators are selected on a volunteer basis.

Feminist Action Coalition
Feminist Action Coalition works to provide a space for discussion, organization, collaboration, and activism regarding issues of feminism, gender, patriarchy, kyriarchy, and all forms of oppression. We strive to provide a receptive and respectful space for any individual devoted to ending sex- or gender-based oppression.

Queer Coalition of Vassar College exists to help various projects by and for Vassar’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), and allied students. We use the word “queer” to recognize and affirm a plurality of sex, sexuality, and gender difference.

TransMission is dedicated to making Vassar and the larger community of which it is a part an inclusive and welcoming environment for transgender, genderqueer, and intersex people, and anyone affected by sex and gender variance (which we believe to be everyone). Supporting Vassar’s core values of inclusiveness and equality for all, we aim to dispel myths, raise awareness, and create a secure and comfortable space at Vassar and beyond through activism, cooperation, and education.

TBD stands for “to be determined” because gender is also to be determined. It is a pre-org established to improve policy, such as healthcare regarding hormone treatments, related to trans and gender-nonconforming students at Vassar. TBD raises awareness about gender policy and promotes positive change. It also provides information for students questioning how to transition—medically or otherwise—while at Vassar.

Additional Campus Resources

  • Student Growth & Engagement Office
    Offers educational programs, resources, and student advising to enhance the quality of campus life.
  • ALANA Center
    Offers programs, resources and student advising to enhance the academic, campus life, and residential experiences of African American/Black, Latino, Asian American and Native American students.
  • Women’s Center
    Supports and celebrates women’s leadership; provides empowering spaces for female-identified people; takes action to address gender inequity on campus; provides programming and resources on local, national and global gender issues; honors Vassar College’s unique history; and promotes understanding among people of different genders, cultures, beliefs, ethnic backgrounds, abilties and sexual orientations.
  • International Services
    Assists international students and scholars in adjusting to a new culture and provides information and advice in all aspects of college life.
  • Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices
    Supports the ritual practices of this diverse community by offering opportunities for observance on campus and facilitating connections with synagogues, churches, temples, mosques, and monasteries in the surrounding community, as well as open to those interested community service and social justice.
  • Support, Advocacy, & Violence Prevention (SAVP)
    If you have been assaulted, or know someone who has, please let SAVP help you find the resources that can help you the most. You can contact the SAVP Coordinator at (845) 437-7863, or the Vassar Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (845) 437-7333.
  • Dean of the College
    Responsible for assisting students with their academic and non-academic lives.