Community-Engaged Learning (#290)
What Is Community-Engaged Learning?
Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) is a community-based and experiential educational opportunity aimed to enhance learning through community engagement. Students learn more about social issues, work alongside community partners, combine their off-campus learning with guided reflection under the mentorship of a faculty sponsor, and participate in critical reflection workshops with the OCEL. Students are eligible to receive either 0.5 unit or 1.0 unit of academic credit in the department of their faculty sponsor.
For more information, please visit our OCEL Student Handbook for 2024-2025.
How to Engage
Step 1: Set up an appointment with the OCEL!
- Make an appointment with Elizabeth
- Make an appointment with Jean
- Make an appointment with Sophie here
- Make an appointment with Jayda here
- Make an appointment with Stuart here
Email to set up an appointment if you cannot find any appointment slots that fit your schedule.
In this meeting we will talk about your social justice passions, areas of interest, transportation options, and go into more detail about the steps below. If you have a resume prepared, great! If not, we recommend meeting with The Center for Career Education (CCE).
In preparation, we encourage you to review CEL Opportunities.
Step 2: Connect and interview with a community organization
Step 3: Email the OCEL to let us know if you are offered a position
Step 4: Ask a faculty member to be your faculty sponsor. We recommend asking someone you have taken a class with previously, or whose research aligns with the work of the organization.
Step 5: Register during the Pre-Registration period or the Add-Drop Period
Step 6: Complete the CEL Agreement Form
Step 7: Attend OCEL-facilitated workshops
Should you have any questions, please email
What is CEL?
Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) is a community-based and experiential educational opportunity aimed to enhance learning through community engagement. Students learn more about social issues, work alongside community partners, combine their off-campus learning with guided reflection under the mentorship of a faculty sponsor, and participate in critical reflection workshops with the OCEL. Students are eligible to receive either 0.5 unit or 1.0 unit of academic credit in the department of their faculty sponsor.
Is it too late to add CEL for Fall 2024?
Students can add Fall CEL between September 4 – September 17 using the Add Form on the Registrar’s website.
When do I register for CEL?
Students can register for CEL during the Pre-Registration period of the previous semester or during the Add/Drop period!
Can I register for CEL in the summer?
Yes! Also, you do not have to pay tuition for the first 2 units of summer credit.
Can I receive compensation and credit?
You cannot receive compensation and credit during the fall and spring semesters. However, you can in the summer! Consider applying for funding through the Center for Career Education’s Internship Grant Fund.
Is CEL graded?
CEL is graded as SA/UN.
How many times can I do CEL?
Students can register for up to 5 units of ungraded work to count towards graduation.
What is the course number for CEL?
All CELs are listed as [Department of Faculty Sponsor]—290.
Is CEL a classroom unit?
No, CEL is not a CLS. Please refer to the Dean of Studies website for more information.
Can I receive credit retroactively?
CEL is an intentional learning opportunity. You cannot receive credit retroactively.
After I am registered, can I change my units of CEL credit?
Students are permitted to switch units within the Add/Drop period.
I’ve got an internship! Can I receive CEL credit?
The OCEL aims to build long-term and asset-based community partnerships based in Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. We aim to center critical community engaged learning in our pedagogy and community voice within our partnerships. We work collaboratively with students, faculty, and community partners to facilitate credit-bearing community-based (CEL) experiences that complement students’ academic journey. The OCEL hopes that CEL experiences will help students deepen their self-awareness, make real-world connections outside of the classroom, sharpen their critical analysis skills of the root causes of social injustices, and develop knowledge, tools, and agency to create a more just world.
CEL projects and experiences are varied but include these criteria:
- Address a specific community-identified interest, inquiry, project, or idea;
- Includes working with and learning alongside a community partner;
- Enhances classroom learning by making connections between the community-based work and the academic work;
- Centers structured critical reflection.
Please meet with the OCEL and if you are interested in connecting with an organization outside of our local and long-standing community-based partner organizations, please complete the “Community-Engaged Learning Proposal” form. We will review the information and assess its merit for a CEL.
How do I find a faculty sponsor? Can my sponsor be my advisor?
Reach out to a faculty member you know or have taken a class with. Ideally, the research or teaching interest of your faculty sponsor would complement the experiential work you are doing.
Yes, your advisor can be your sponsor.
There are many ways to get to your CEL. View your transportation options.