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Dean of the College

Vassar College

The Dean of the College’s division Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) may be convened to ensure that affected students have access to appropriate resources, to assist the division in its response, and to facilitate a coordinated campus response to bias-related incidents and situations that may impact campus climate.

Coordinated responses may include, but are not limited to, identification of and referral to appropriate support services and resources (on– or off–campus), informal resolution measures such as mediation, facilitated dialogue between parties, facilitated discussions in the residential houses or other campus locations, recommendations for campus notices for fact sharing, and efforts towards wider educational awareness, prevention, and outreach.

In the case of a potential violation of College Regulations, the Bias Incident Response Team does not play a role in the investigation of alleged incidents or play a role in separate adjudication and conduct processes where warranted. For any incident that requires investigation and that may result in a potential violation of college regulation and/or federal/state law, the team will forward the incident to one of the following offices: Community Expectations and Conflict Resolution, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Affirmative Action, and/or Campus Safety.

Forms and Reports
