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Families can inquire about enrollment and secure a placement at Wimpfheimer Nursery School or Infant Toddler Center in the months January–April proceeding the fall of anticipated need. New children begin at the start of fall semester (end of August) in keeping with the Vassar academic calendar. We keep a rolling wait list and are generally fully enrolled all year and rarely have openings mid-year.

Filling out the enrollment form is the first step in getting your child's name placed on the waiting list. The enrollment form is non-binding, and begins the initial intake and intent to enroll. We do not place children on the waiting list over phone or email, but must have this form dated and submitted.

Families interested in a tour can email our site directors:

  • Beth Serwatka, Nursery School (for children ages 18 months–5 years)
  • Nicole Bonelli, Infants and toddlers (for babies up to age 18 months)


Children from infants to age five are eligible to enroll in our program. There is no screening process. In keeping with our setting on a college campus, we prioritize serving Vassar families. We are almost always fully enrolled and keep a rolling wait list in keeping with the following priorities:

  1. All children currently enrolled at the Infant Toddler Center (ITC) or Wimpfheimer Nursery School (WNS) have automatic priority to enroll for the next year and next eligible program according to their age and scheduling needs.
  2. Vassar employees:
    1. A child of a Vassar employee has priority next.
    2. A grandchild of a Vassar employee has priority next.
  3. Community Families:
    1. A community family that has a sibling/child that has already attend ITC or WNS has next priority.
    2. A community family that is a Vassar alum and is a parent of an age eligible child is next.
    3. A new community family is enrolled (and entered on waiting list) in order of application date.