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The billing and payment process differs across programs. Your chosen program will determine the charges assessed to you by Vassar and by your program provider.

Approved International Programs

Tuition Expenses

Vassar will charge you for Vassar tuition and the mandatory travel insurance (GeoBlue) through your Vassar student account. Your program may advertise a different tuition rate. That amount is not applicable. You will be charged for and receive financial aid with consideration for the cost of Vassar tuition. (Vassar is responsible for paying the tuition charge directly to your program.)

Nontuition Expenses

Vassar programs:
Paris, Bologna, and Madrid: Vassar will charge you a program fee which includes housing, food, and the group flight.
London and Ireland: Vassar will charge you a program fee for housing and the group flight.

Other International Programs: You will receive a separate bill from your program for housing. Some programs may also bill you for meals, transportation, etc. It is crucial that you familiarize yourself with your program’s billing process, the items they will/will not be billing you for, and payment deadlines. This information is extremely important for budgeting and making timely payments.

Domestic Programs

Dartmouth Dual Degree and Twelve College Exchange: students will be billed directly by the school or program for tuition, fees, room and board. They will not receive a bill from Vassar. Students participating in these programs must provide a copy of their bill to Student Accounts Student accounts will then send any financial aid the student receives to the program directly.

Historically Black College Exchange and the Mailman 4+1 Columbia program: students will be billed Vassar tuition through their Vassar student account. Financial aid will disburse to your Vassar student account. You will receive a separate bill from your program directly for housing and food (if a meal plan is provided).

Please note: Students with a prior unpaid balance on their student account will not be permitted to attend a study away program. Any outstanding balance on your student account will be deducted from your financial aid refund.