The VCard
The VCard grants students access to the following resources:
- Residence halls
- Computer clusters in their halls
- Some academic buildings
- Meal plan accounts
Anyone with a Vassar ID card has access to the following campus resources:
- Athletic and Fitness Center
- College Store accepts VCash
- Computer Store accepts VCash
- All Campus Dining venues
- Library materials checkout
- Laundry machines in residence halls and Terrace Apartments (VCash is necessary to operate these machines). To view laundry machines please go to Laundry View.
- Copy machines in the college center and the library. These are located in the Library and the College Center.
The VCard can also be used at off campus merchants.
Lost Card
First, you must deactivate your card online. Then you must visit the Card Office, at the College Center Service Desk.
Note: A fee of $25.00 is levied to replace lost, stolen and for replacement ID cards that are damaged by negligence.