The Vassar Network
Career networking is a vital part of professional development. As a Vassar alum or student, you are part of, and have access to, a network of more than 41,000 people who have shared the Vassar experience. Learn more about resources and opportunities for career networking.
Have a job or internship lead to share?
You can help to strengthen the Vassar network for current students and recent graduates by posting your opportunity on Handshake, Vassar’s job/internship database! Learn more about recruiting opportunities at Vassar. You can also join VassarNet, our Linkedin group dedicated to supporting the Vassar Network.
Need help?
The Center for Career Education at Vassar offers a variety of services to alums and students, including:
- Career counseling
- Career assessment
- Law school, medical school and graduate school advisement
- Access to a number of subscription and password-protected job search resources and databases.
- If you're looking for an entry-level position, create a profile on our new online career database, Handshake. For a list of links and passwords for more specific resources, email with your name and class year. See video instructions on creating your own account.
Alums can make an appointment for on-campus or virtual sessions with the Center for Career Education staff for career counseling, interview coaching, graduate/law school advisement, and job search strategies. Schedule on Handshake, email or call (845)437-5285 to schedule an appointment.
Resume review can be done through our online form submission. Document reviews usually take 2-3 business days to receive a response. The time it takes for a review is based on the complexity and number of documents received.
While we are happy to offer this service as a courtesy to our alums, our capacity is limited. Those seeking more extensive career counseling or assistance may be better served working with a private career coach or career counselor, and referrals will be recommended if appropriate.
Job seekers and those in career transition may also benefit from local employment assistance through agencies such as CareerOneStop (a free service from the Dept. of Labor) or job search support groups like Careerminds.
More information for alums in career transition can be found on our Career Transition Resources handout.
Vassar reserves the right, without prior notice, to change or terminate the services that are available to members of the Vassar Community, including alums. If Vassar determines, in its sole discretion, that an individual has engaged in conduct that is in violation of its policies or that may create an unsafe environment for other members of the Vassar Community, Vassar may, without prior notice, restrict or terminate access to some or all of Vassar's services for that particular individual.