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Counseling Service

Vassar College

Day/Time: Wednesdays 3:15PM-4:30PM (in person)

Facilitator: Elene Nicholas

Diverse people hugging parts of their body and smiling.

Be Body Positive @ Vassar is an Inclusive Support Discussion Group that provides a non-threatening space for participants to explore their personal experiences with beauty, health, and identity. In the group, participants will be guided through a patient, mindful inquiry to find what works uniquely in their own lives to bring about positive self-care changes and a peaceful relationship with their bodies.

The group will explore Five Core competencies or "Life Skills" that promote a healthy, confident relationship to the Body. The Core Competencies are fundamental skills we practice daily to live peacefully and healthfully in our bodies. By becoming proficient—competent—at using these skills, we can care for ourselves in body, mind, and spirit from a place of self-love and appreciation.

Group is Based on the Be Body Positive Model.

Please email group facilitator Elene Nicholas at or call VCCS at (845) 437-5700 if you are interested in learning more and to schedule a pre-group meeting. Materials necessary for the group will be provided to group members.