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Vassar College

Fellowships requiring institutional endorsement (marked with an asterisk*) have early campus deadlines. Entries are listed by the deadline and are updated as foundations release new deadlines.

  • Campus Deadline: all application materials, including recommendations due for internal review; "direct apply" means there is no internal campus endorsement process.
  • National Deadline: date by which application is due to fellowship foundation.

Campus DeadlineFellowship Detail
Direct apply by 8/1Gilman-McCain Scholarship*
- National Deadline: August 1, 2024 for applicants whose in-person programs or internships start between September 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025.
- $5,000 for study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs
- Child dependents of active duty service members
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship website
1-Sept-24 (optional pre-application)

6-Oct-24 (campus deadline)
Thomas J. Watson Fellowship*
- National Deadline: 5-Nov-24
- $40,000 to explore the world for a year
- Seniors, open citizenship
- Thomas J. Wat­son Fel­low­ship website
N/A-->see noteGeorge J. Mitchell Scholarship Program*
- National Deadline: As of March 2024, this program is on pause
- 1 yr graduate study in Ireland
- Seniors, alums, US citizens
- George J. Mitchell Scholarship website
4-Sept-24Marshall Scholarships*
- National Deadline: 24-Sep-24
- 1–2 yrs graduate study in the UK
- Seniors, alums, US citizens
- Marshall Scholarship website
4-Sept-24Rhodes Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 2-Oct-24
- 2–3 yrs graduate study at Oxford
- Seniors, alums, US citizens; 3.7 GPA
- Rhodes Scholarship website
Direct apply by 9/19Rangel Graduate Fellowship
- National Deadline: 19-Sept-24
- 2 yrs grad study toward Foreign Service
- Seniors, alums, US citizens; 3.2 GPA
11-Sept-24Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs)*
- National Deadline: 8-Oct-24 (5 PM ET)
- 1 yr English TA
- Seniors, alums, US citizens
- Fulbright website
11-Sept-24Fulbright Research/Study*
- National Deadline: 8-Oct-24 (5 PM ET)
- 1 yr grad study; research abroad
- Seniors, alums, US citizens
- Fulbright website
Direct apply by 9/12Schwarzman Scholars
- National Deadline: 12-Sept-24
- 1 yr masters & leadership program in China
- Seniors, alums, open citizenship
- Schwarzman Scholars website
Direct apply by 9/26Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program
- National Deadline: 26-Sept-24
- 2 yrs grad study toward Foreign Service
- Seniors, alums, US citizens; 3.2 GPA
Direct apply by 10/1Luce Scholars Program
- National Deadline: 1-Oct-2024
- 1 yr career-based internship in Asia
- Seniors, alums, US citizens
- Henry Luce Foundation website
Direct apply 10/9Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University
- National Deadline: 9-Oct-24
- 3 yrs full funding graduate study Stanford
- Seniors, alums, open citizenship
- Knight-Hennessy Scholars website
Direct apply by 10/10Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program*
- National Deadline: 10-Oct-24 for applicants whose in-person programs or internships start between December 1, 2023, to October 31, 2024
- Grants for undergraduate study abroad
- First-years, sophomores, and juniors
- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship website
Direct apply by 10/16Gates Cambridge Scholarship
- National Deadline: 16-Oct-24 (2024 TBD)
- 1–3 yrs graduate study at Cambridge (UK)
- Seniors, alums, open citizenship
15-Oct-24Churchill Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 1-Nov-24
- 1 yr masters in STEM at Cambridge (UK)
- Seniors, recent alums, US citizens
- Churchill Scholarship website
8-Nov-24St. Andrew’s Society Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 15-Dec-24
- 1 yr graduate degree any Scottish university
- Seniors, US citizens, Scottish ancestry
- Saint Andrew’s Society of NY website
Direct apply by 11/19Critical Language Scholarship
- National Deadline: 19-Nov-24 (5:00 PM ET)
- 8–10 wk intensive summer language study
- All years, US citizens
- Critical Language Scholarship website
1-Dec-24Barry Goldwater Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 31-Jan-25
- $7,500 toward undergrad STEM
- Sophomores, juniors, US citizens
- Barry Goldwater Scholarship website
1-Dec-24James C. Gaither Junior Fellows*
- National Deadline: 15-Jan-25
- 1 yr research asst. at Carnegie Endowment
- Seniors, alums, open citizenship
- James C. Gaither Junior Fellows website
1-Dec-24Truman Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 4-Feb-25
- $30,000 toward graduate study anywhere
- Juniors, US citizens
- Truman Scholarship website
15-Jan-25Projects for Peace*
- National Deadline: 5-Feb-25
- $10,000 to complete summer project anywhere in the world
- First-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors; open citizenship
- Projects for Peace website
1-Feb-25Beinecke Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 28-Mar-25
- $35,000 toward non-STEM graduate study
- Juniors, US citizens
- Beinecke Scholarship website
1-Feb-25Udall Undergraduate Scholarship*
- National Deadline: 5-Mar-25
- $7,000 toward undergrad; Environ/Native
- Sophomores, juniors, US citizens
- Udall Foundation website
Direct apply by 1/22Boren/NSEP Awards for International Study*
- National Deadline: 22-Jan-25
- Funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages around the world.
- First-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors
- Boren Awards website
1-Mar-25Ann Cornelisen Fellowship for Undergraduate Students
- National Deadline: N/A
- Up to $8,000 for language/cultural study abroad.
- First-years, sophomores, and juniors; open citizenship
1-Mar-25Marlene Shepper Cooperman ’63 Memorial Fund
- National Deadline: N/A
- $5,000 for summer study in France.
- All class years; open citizenship
15-Mar-25W.K. Rose Fellowship in the Creative Arts
- National Deadline: N/A
- At least $45,000 to pursue creative arts
- Seniors and Vassar graduates; open citizenship
15-Mar-25Ann Cornelisen Fund for Post Graduate Fellowships
- National Deadline: N/A
- Up to $18,000 for language/cultural study abroad.
- Seniors and recent graduates; open citizenship
1-Apr-25Maguire Fellowship Fund for Graduate Study Abroad
- National Deadline: N/A
- Up to $25,000 for one academic year study/research abroad in the humanities
- Seniors and recent graduates; open citizenship
1-Apr-25Vassar Fellowships for Graduate Study
- National Deadline: N/A
- Various amounts to support one year of full-time graduate study, Award amounts differ based on budget, program of study, and various fellowship restrictions. Sample range is $2500-$10,000.
- Graduating seniors and recent alums; open citizenship
15-Apr-25Burnam Fellowship
- National Deadline: N/A
- Up to $5,000 stipend to support a meaningful summer project or internship
- First-years, sophomores, and juniors; open citizenship
TBDChinese Government Scholarship
- National Deadline: N/A
- Study Chinese language or related disciplines in Chinese Institutions of higher education
- Seniors
TBDBeckman Scholars Program
- National Deadline: N/A
- 10 weeks of full-time research
- First-years and sophomores majoring in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, or neuroscience & behavior
- Beckman Foundation website

In addition to the above Vassar fellowships and nationally competitive fellowships, the Chair of the Fellowships Committee administers the following prizes, which are small awards given to graduating seniors:

Prize NameAward Details
Ashish Patil ’08 Memorial PrizeFor excellence in interdisciplinary study
- Campus deadline: May 1, 2025
- Eligibility: Seniors
Jane Dealy and Woodrow Wirsig Memorial PrizeA small monetary prize in recognition of achievement and promise in the field of journalism
- Campus deadline: May 1, 2025
- Eligibility: Seniors