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Vassar College

The Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) Fellowship will offer financial support for students who have strong interests in the environment to pursue Chinese language study in the summer of 2024. Students will apply through the Ann Cornelisen Fellowship for Undergraduate Students. Open to first-years, sophomores and juniors.

Vassar does not endorse any particular summer language program, but you may reference this list of past Ann Cornelisen Fellows or contact the Department of Chinese and Japanese for ideas.

Campus Deadline is March 25, this includes all letters of recommendation.

  1. Use the Recommendation Registration Form to register two people to serve as your referees. One letter of recommendation must be from a Vassar faculty member. You must register your writers before you submit your application and inform them that the letters are due by the campus deadline. 
  2. Download the Budget Worksheet and complete prior to submitting your application.
  3. Complete the Ann Cornelisen Fellowship for Undergraduate Students application; be sure to indicate that you are applying to study Chinese and complete the supplemental question to be considered for the LIASE Fellowship. 

All arrangements in connection with the project including appropriate health insurance, travel and housing are the responsibility of the Fellow. Vassar College is not responsible for any physical or mental injury, illness or property loss sustained by a Fellow during their fellowship. All Fellows will submit a report outlining the summer's work and providing a brief financial accounting to the Office for Fellowships by September 8.