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All residence charges are billed to the student account through the Student Fiananical Services Office. Payment must be made to that office, as per the instructions on the billing statement. Charges for damages, lost keys, and so on are billed to the student. Students are expected to pay all residential charges by the due date. Failure to do so may result in termination of the Housing Agreement and/or denial of room selection privileges. The following are examples of what might cause housing charges applied to student accounts:

  • Failure to clean
  • Trash left behind
  • Room key not returned
  • Painting a wall
  • Holes/tape scars
  • Damaged or missing furniture or rugs

In the case of damaged and/or missing room furniture, the cost of the repair or replacement will be billed to the resident(s). Common-area furniture found in a room(s) may result in a charge.

Damages to students’ living spaces will be charged to their student accounts. Common area damages that cannot be assigned to a specific person/group will be charged proportionately to all residents of the house in question. Damage is considered more excessive than regular wear and tear and is determined by Facilities Operations.

Charges are made to student accounts based on the closing inspection of their room. For most students, this occurs at the end of the spring semester. This can occur earlier if a student either moves to a different room, or if they leave campus (such as at the end of the fall, to spend the spring semester abroad). Charges for damage to common areas cannot be appealed. To appeal damage charges to your room, please email the Office of Residential Life, describing the damage charged and why you are appealing it. Damages charged after the fall semester must be appealed within a month of receiving the bill. Damages charged after the spring semester must be appealed by email no later than the end of August.